Advanced: Generate your own flavour of Arcticons

You can generate your own flavour of Arcticons!

To generate your own flavour of Arcticons, you need your environment prepared as described in Preparing the codebase

Afterwards, you need to create a TOML file containing one or more sections like this:

name="Arcticons Dark"
comment="A Line-based icon pack. (Version for dark themes)"
src_paths=["icons_linux", ".arcticons/icons/black"]
  • The section name is the destination folder.

  • name is the name which will be put into the index.theme

  • comment is the description which will be put into the index.theme

  • inherits is the list of themes, which this theme will inherit (for icons which are not in this theme yet)

  • overwrite describes whether the destination folder will be deleted or the generator will try to update the icons.

  • archive describes whether an archive file of the destination folder should be created (Currently not working)

  • src_color is the color of the source icons (the source icons used by Arcticons-Linux are #000)

  • color is the color which should be applied to the icons. Possible values are all color recognized by CSS/SVG

  • line_weight is the thickness of the strokes

  • src_paths describes the paths where the generation script should look for icons, ordered by preference

To generate the icons, run uv run scripts/ -c <your_toml_file>

Last updated

